"Payment Contrary to Specifications" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video addresses a long standing inconsistency in the MMCD specifications for payment of some items.

"Coping With COVID-19" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video reviews options for owners and contractors during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on what is allowed under the MMCD standard language..

"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Testing" video - Contract Consideration Series

There is a certain amount of confusion shown in forum and class questions about the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control. This video brings some clarity to this topic as well as discussing testing and retesting options.

"The Contract Documents" Video - Contract Consideration Series

(8m) In the first Contract Consideration video in our series, Brian Weeks answers the question: "What are the Contract Documents?" and touches on the components of a complete tender package, supplementaries, and the document hierarchy.

The Contract Documents Video
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Intro to Contract Consideration Video Series

Meet Senior Course Instructor, Brian Weeks, and learn about MMCD's "Contract Consideration" series of short videos that dig into issues commonly encountered by MMCD users.

What is the Contract Consideration Video series?

Easy-to-follow video introduction to using the MMCD documents. They are free to view on the MMCD website.

"The Contemplated Change Order" video - Contract Consideration Series

Review the process to generate a Change Order under the MMCD, with a reminder about the implications of Changes vs. Extra Work

"MMCD Principles" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video reviews the philosophies, principles, and strategies that form the spirit and intent of the MMCD to help users make decisions when modifying clauses and language in MMCD contracts.

"Risk Allocation" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video discusses the tools the MMCD uses to allocate risk and the protocols for situations such as discrepancies in quantities or prices, or encountering Concealed or Unknown Conditions or Hazardous Materials.

"Using IT-4" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video discusses how tender authors can use IT4 To modify, delete or add conditions for tendering to meet the specific conditions of their projects.