This video focuses exclusively on the referee step in the dispute resolution process outlined in the General Conditions.
Learn when, why, and where Force Account forms are required and the severe penalty if they are not submitted.
Learn the meaning, purpose, and use of a Document Hierarchy, and potential problems that arise if Owners don't understand why it's important.
This video defines Substantial Performance (GC 1.67) and Total Performance (GC 1.73) , and discusses who can initiate the processes, what should happen first and what happens after these important milestones.
This video discusses the somewhat unique methodology the MMCD sets up for regular monthly progress payments to the Contractor..
This video explains and interprets GC 13.10, which was written to clarify that time extensions which are due to a change in the scope of work are not delays and thus not subject to the provisions of GC 13.
This video discusses and provides examples of how putting specs on drawings can cause problems during a project, particularly when the drawings rank lower in the Document Hierarchy (GC 2.2.4.).
This video defines (GC 1.48) and provides examples of Optional Work, and explains the related General Conditions: GC 7.4.1, GC 9.4.2, and GC 9.5.3.
This video discusses the inherent conflicts of interest built into the CA's role, and what Owners can do to minimize those conflicts when choosing the CA for their project
This video discusses contract costs from a Contractor’s perspective and the Owner’s liability for reimbursement from the Contract Administrator’s perspective, and aims to clarify the difference between Indirect and Impact costs.