What is the MMCD? Which volume of MMCD should I purchase?


I'm a bit confused, I thought this would be something specific to the project we're bidding on, but looks like it is more of a general guideline? Would we need to buy both Volume 1 and Volume 2?


The MMCD documents are the basis for many construction contracts in BC. They replace the “boiler plate” of some construction contracts. The owner may use the MMCD to manage the bidding process and the contract administration process. However, the tender package will usually have separate contract documents for the specific design package for the project; and supplementary clauses with can modify the standard clauses, drawings and specifications in the MMCD. Many contractors have copies of the MMCD in order to:

  • familiarize themselves with the general conditions and contract terms used by many municipalities in BC
  • to respond to a bid opportunity which references the MMCD, but which has a tender package with specific contract drawings and supplementary clauses.

The advantages of using the MMCD is that the standard contract forms procedures and rules are well known to bidders and owners; and the potential bidder can concentrate on the unique portions of the contract, the drawings, supplementary specifications and supplementary clauses if any.

Volume II contains the standard contract provisions; Volume I is a “User Guide” that helps to navigate and understand the contents of Volume I. Both volumes are available in electronic form, with a search function.

Last updated on 9th July 2020