Please inform how to read the fertilizer table correctly and outline what elements are required for a fertilizer to meet MMCD specifications?


Section 32 91 21 2.9.6 states that the fertilizer must include but is not limited to a number of elements. However, the weight percentages here do not equal 100%. Could you please inform me on how to read the table correctly and outline what elements are required for a fertilizer to meet MMCD specifications?


Specification 32 91 21 2.9.6 Table 1 says that where the specified chemicals are present in the fertilizer, they must meet or exceed the stipulated minimum percentage of the chemical in the fertilizer . The specification was derived from the BCLNA BC Landscape Standard 2008 (7th edition), copies of which are sometimes held by public libraries. This would probably be the most appropriate reference to seek information about other permissible constituents of appropriate fertilizers. Suppliers may also confirm which fertilizers meet MMCD specification 32 91 21

Last updated on 24th July 2020