Quality Assurance & Quality Control: Does the contractor need to provide testing to confirm they have met the applicable standard or does the owner have to pay for this under General Condition 4.12?
I understand is compaction is covered under sections 31 23 01 and 31 24 13 and 33 11 01 1.0 & 1.1 for water main installations. Compaction needs to be to 95% Modified Proctor. Does the contractor need to provide testing to confirm they have met the standard or does the owner have to pay for this under General Condition 4.12? My interpretation is as follows: MMCD covers the testing for the main trench under sections 31 23 01 3.5 and 31 24 13 3.7. As the intent is to have the bike lane go over the watermain, MMCD Section 31 24 13 3.7 and Section 32 11 23 3.5 identify proof rolling as the testing method. The compaction testing for the crossings would be covered based by section 33 11 01 1.0 and 1.1. which refers back to 31 23 01. The contractor needs provide confirmation the compaction meets 95% Modified Proctor per 31 23 01 3.5.4. We assume the testing would be done as part of the contract. The District would be satisfied that 4 tests for all 22 crossings to be sufficient.
Check out the “Contract Considerations” video “Quality Assurance and Quality Control Testing” on the MMCD website mmcd.net. GC 4.12.4 requires the Contractor to perform all tests required by the Contract Documents. GC 4.12.5 covers special tests, inspections and approvals GC 4.12.6 covers testing ordered by the CA but not called for in the Contract documents. GC 3.4.5S - 2009-010 (2009-11-19) Reference: 3.4.5S If at any time and for any reason the Contract Administrator determines that inspection or testing of the Work, or portion of the Work, is required that was not called for in the Contract Documents, then the Contract Administrator may direct the Contractor to perform, or have performed, that inspection or testing, as provided in GC 4.12.6