"Math Errors at Tender" video - Contract Consideration Series

Brian Weeks explains the options available to Owners when they receive a tender that contains mathematical errors.

"MMCD Schedules" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video reviews the need for, and differences among, four types of schedules included in the MMCD.

"MMCD Principles" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video reviews the philosophies, principles, and strategies that form the spirit and intent of the MMCD to help users make decisions when modifying clauses and language in MMCD contracts.

"Risk Allocation" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video discusses the tools the MMCD uses to allocate risk and the protocols for situations such as discrepancies in quantities or prices, or encountering Concealed or Unknown Conditions or Hazardous Materials.

"Using IT-4" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video discusses how tender authors can use IT4 To modify, delete or add conditions for tendering to meet the specific conditions of their projects.

"Dealing with Delays" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video discusses how MMCD language - specifially GC13 - applies to dealing with delays and presents some of the legal principles that also apply.

"Deficiency Management and Holdbacks" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video discusses defects, deficiencies and holdbacks as they apply throughout an MMCD contract.

"Fair Standby Charges" video - Contract Consideration Series

This video defines Standby Charge, outlines the concepts of what makes up standby charges, and how they should be calculated or verified to meet the contract language of the MMCD.

"User Guide Error - Offsetting Quantity Variations" video - Contract Consideration Series

Addressing an error in the User Guide, this video clarifies the misinformation contained in Section 3 of the User Guide, reviewing the errors made during revisions to Volume II between the Gold and Platinum editions, and how to correct them.

"Dispute Resolution" video - Contract Consideration Series

Brian Weeks discusses the topic of Dispute Resolution under MMCD rules.